Energy is a driving force in society, influencing policy and permeating daily life. Design is shaping the transition to renewable energy, influencing products and infrastructure. The Transform! Designing the Future of Energy exhibition looks at this transition, exploring the criteria for renewable energy and the role of design.
The need to move away from fossil fuels is crucial to curbing carbon emissions and tackling climate change, driving the transition to renewable energy. This shift requires innovative design to shape a sustainable energy future, bridging the gap between research and user acceptance. The exhibition begins with a human-centered focus before expanding to broader aspects of energy design, showcasing innovative products and visionary concepts.
The exhibition is divided into sections: Human Power, showcasing personal energy generation; Energy Tools, presenting off-grid living solutions; and Transformers, presenting innovative approaches to architecture and mobility. The final section focuses on Future Energyscapes, featuring innovative energy storage typologies such as Hamburg’s Energy Bunker and Carlo Ratti’s Hot Heart.
Transform! Designing the Future of Energy underlines the need for a comprehensive transformation of the energy system that goes beyond the expansion of renewable energies. Experience this compelling exhibition at the Vitra Design Museum in Germany until 1 September 2024.