Roma-based architect AI-DA presents a bold counterpoint to NEOM’s ambitious project THE LINE. Where THE LINE promises a pristine, machine-free cityscape, powered by renewable energy and designed for seamless living, AI-DA’s THE (OTHER) LINE paints a contrasting picture. It envisions a congested urban artery, teeming with activity and powered by fossil fuels, presenting a raw and unfiltered representation of urban existence.
While THE LINE attempts to hide its true nature behind a façade of technological sophistication, AI-DA’s creation boldly embraces its natural landscape, revealing the inherent complexities of urban life. It emerges as a reaction to THE LINE’s utopian ideals, challenging the notion of what future cities should be. THE (OTHER) LINE confronts the harsh realities of urbanisation, acknowledging the inevitability of pollution, traffic and dependence on fossil fuels for growth and survival. It serves as a reminder that true progress lies not in escaping these challenges, but in facing them head-on.
AI-DA’s THE (OTHER) LINE stands as a provocative counterpoint to NEOM’s vision, offering a compelling narrative on the complexities of urban development and the need for a more inclusive and sustainable approach to urban planning.

All images courtesy of AI-DA