Hermès presented On the Wings of Hermès, a film directed by Jaco Van Dormael that invited viewers into a magical and playful world. The 35-minute film unfolded in six short acts, telling the story of Pegasus and his six foals as they embarked on a fantastical journey. Through a mix of dance, object theatre, and live-action performance, the film took the audience on a whimsical adventure, where reality and fantasy blended seamlessly. The immersive experience was set in a film studio transformed into a dreamlike space, evoking a portal to another realm. On a massive screen, the story of the foals searching for lightness and the ability to grow wings played out, with titles like Reverse Gravity and The Flight of the Migratory Gloves hinting at the dreamlike atmosphere.

This project was a unique fusion of luxury, art, and storytelling, where Hermès’ timeless elegance met avant-garde performance. The film was created in collaboration with the Astragales dance company, with choreography by Michèle Anne De Mey. Expressive dancers, acrobats, and puppeteers performed amidst surreal landscapes, bringing iconic Hermès objects to life in unexpected ways. One particularly memorable scene featured Hermès Kelly bags singing an opera, while another depicted two lovers lifted into the sky by the wind. Hermès’ commitment to craftsmanship was evident throughout, from the intricate gestures of the performers to the fine details of the sets and costumes.

According to Hermès’ artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas, the film illustrated the lightness inherent in the brand’s craftsmanship, capturing the elegance and precision that defined its creations. On the Wings of Hermès exemplified the brand’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of artistic exploration, creating a performance that was as imaginative as it was refined.

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All images courtesy of Hermès