Annie Ernaux, known for her autobiographical works The Years, Getting Lost and Happening, gained international recognition after winning the Nobel Prize. Renowned for her insightful exploration of universal themes such as memory and identity, Ernaux’s precise style and emotional depth have established her as a prominent figure in modern literature.
The exhibition Exteriors – Annie Ernaux and Photography combines extracts from Ernaux’s book Exteriors with more than 150 images by renowned photographers such as Harry Callahan and Daido Moriyama. Presented by curator and writer Lou Stoppard, it offers a visual journey through the second half of the 20th century across several countries, including France, England, Japan and the USA. Travel is a prominent theme in both Exteriors and the MEP show, particularly the daily commute between the suburbs and the inner city. The photographs contrast the vibrant center of Paris with the bleak outskirts, reflecting a sense of distance in identity and from the center.
The exhibition will be open until 26 May 2024. You can find more details on the MEP website.