Lady Dior Celebration

The Lady Dior Celebration exhibition is being held at Dior’s Seongsu-dong concept store in Seoul, South Korea, from September 2 to 17, 2023. The exhibition features 24 contemporary Korean artists’ interpretations of the Lady Dior handbag, an iconic piece named after Princess Diana.

The handbag was originally designed by Gianfranco Ferré in 1994 and was first named Chouchou, which was later changed to Lady Dior. The exhibition in Seoul celebrates the bag’s history and its many incarnations. At the centre of Lady Dior Celebration stands the work Cella by Lee Bul, a suspended crystal-shaped sculpture that was originally made for the Miss Dior exhibition at Paris’ Grand Palais in 2013. Around this sculpture, the reinvented creations of the Lady Dior bag are displayed, featuring 42 pieces by 24 Korean creators, including sculptor Bahk Seon-Ghi, photographer Heewon Kim, visual artist and production designer Choi Jeong Hwa, and furniture designer Kwangho Lee.

The walls of the Seongsu-dong concept store are transformed into the themed rooms, where the Lady D-lite embroidered version and the Lady D-joy handbag are displayed. The exhibition will run until September 17, 2023. Visit the official Lady Dior Celebration website to find more details.

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Photography by KYUNGSUB SHIN