To meet the changing needs of the surface transport industry, magnetic levitation has recently undergone further development. The levitation concept involves the creation of an air cushion to separate the vehicles from the rails. This offers benefits such as reduced friction, increased efficiency, and minimized noise and vibration.
On 12 March 2024, IronLev announced the successful test of its magnetic levitation train on the Adria-Mestre line in Italy. This was a major milestone in transport. This innovative train, which operated without a physical driver, demonstrated the potential for integrating magnetic levitation technology into existing railway lines. It promises quieter and smoother transport systems for both passengers and freight.
IronLev’s patented solution uses simple ferromagnetic materials, allowing compatibility with standard iron rails without the need for additional infrastructure. During the test, a 1 tonne prototype vehicle traveled smoothly along the reference track at a self-limiting speed of 70 km/h without modifying the 2 km test track or adding any additional components.

All images and video courtesy of IRONLEV