Jean-Paul Gaultier has revealed details of his upcoming debut animated film, inspired by his experiences in the Parisian fashion world. The project is based on writer Emilie Frèche’s original idea, inspired by her own experiences growing up with parents and extended family in fashion. The tale follows a young moth fashionista who escapes from a provincial thrift store to pursue a career in haute couture in Paris. Retired model Kiki, a key character, is inspired by Spanish actress Rossy de Palma, who will voice her in Spanish, French and English. Directed by Benoît Philippon and produced by Matthieu Zeller, the film will also feature a cameo appearance by Madonna.
The story, rich in themes of diversity and marginalisation, reflects Gaultier’s inclusive ethos. The film will premiere at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in three years’ time. This exciting collaboration promises a visually stunning and heartfelt story that celebrates uniqueness and ambition.
Remember that Rossy de Palma is featured in our Spring/Summer issue, available to order here.