• Artist's Choice Grace Wales Bonner - Spirit Movers

    Spirit Movers

    Grace Bonner, who founded her eponymous label in 2014, is the featured artist in the 16th installment of MoMA’s Artist’s Choice series. The programme dates…

  • An Atlas of Es Devlin

    An Atlas of Es Devlin

    An Atlas of Es Devlin is the first monographic museum exhibition dedicated to British artist Es Devlin, renowned for his transformative work that captivates audiences.…

  • Helmut Newton-Fact & Fiction

    Helmut Newton: Fact & Fiction

    A new exhibition in Spain is dedicated to the famous German fashion photographer Helmut Newton, presented by the Marta Ortega Pérez Foundation (MOP). Created by…

  • The palette of memories

    Welcome to an insightful journey into the artistic world of Julien Bernard. Applying his rich background in dance and fashion photography, Bernard seamlessly weaves his…

  • Ultra-futuristic towers

    Ultra-futuristic towers

    Known for its previous projects such as The LINE, NEOM introduces this high-end tourist destination as part of its ongoing efforts to shape the region…

  • hube choice: STERLING RUBY

    Los-Angeles based artist Sterling Ruby is known for the multifaceted nature of his practice. Employing a diverse range of mediums—including sculpture, drawing, collage, ceramics, painting,…

  • Who we are at this moment

    Body Politic

    Antony Gormley’s latest exhibition, Body Politic, in White Cube explores humanity’s relationship with the man-made environments we inhabit. For Gormley, this exploration is particularly timely…

  • Going Dark

    Going Dark

    Going Dark: The Contemporary Figure at the Edge of Visibility presents art with hidden figures, exploring the tension between being seen and being hidden in…

  • Hyper-real from the hyper-future

    In a realm where creativity knows no bounds, Constantinos Panayiotou, widely known as Pet Liger, emerges as a visionary force, seamlessly blending art, innovation, and…

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